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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Happy 25th Anniversary Sonic the Hedgehog!

Today marks the 25th anniversary of Sega's cool blue mascot, Sonic the Hedgehog! To honor the occasion, the Mega Base staff sat down to share some of their favorite memories of the most famous hedgehog in the world. Enjoy!


Like many others Sonic introduced me to the 16-bit revolution. My first console was the NES but for whatever reason I had asked my parents for a Genesis for Christmas instead of the SNES which would have been the logical upgrade for such a Nintendo lover as myself. Lucky for me, my parents did get me the Genesis (with never playing one to my knowledge) and my first game was Sonic 2. As soon as my tiny 13-inch television came to life with the vibrant colors of Emerald Hill I knew I had received something special. My eyes were glued to the screen and my ass to the floor for most of the day while zipping, spin dashing and springing over as much of the levels as I could absorb. Sonic was so different from everything else I had played up to that point. The beautiful stages, amazing music and Sonic's undeniable "'tude" really blew me away that day. Playing Sonic 2 on Christmas morning will always be one of my fondest gaming memories.


Where do I even begin? Sonic has been possibly my favorite video game character for 25 years now (man do I feel old). I remember the first time seeing Sonic in a test play kiosk at Hills and my jaw dropped. That was the most colorful game I had ever seen at the time. It may sound absurd now, but the parallax scrolling and speed of the game made me seriously wonder "man, will other video games ever be able to top this?"

Needless to say, after running around that first loop in Green Hill Zone for the first time I was sold. I could say that's the very moment in time when I became a Sega kid. Sadly we didn't bring a Genesis home that night and my NES felt extremely lame afterwards.

When we finally got a Sega Genesis I didn't move from that spot in front of my tv for days I'm sure, haha. I was hooked and couldn't get enough of Sonic. It wasn't long after that until I started collecting the comics and....well this is getting long enough as it is. Happy anniversary Sonic! I'm going to go play the games now.

Phaser Pulse:

I can't believe it's been 25 years since Sonic the Hedgehog first broke in to the gaming scene. I was 10 years old when I was first introduced to what would become Sega's mascot and main leading "man," if you will. I remember the vivid blue and other colors blazing across the screen. The TV was up way too loud, so that all too familiar music from the Green Hill Zone was blaring as I watched my cousin play, speeding through the level with ease, collecting rings and trying not to hit an enemy and lose them all! Then I was handed the controller - it was finally my turn to play!

I can tell you, I was not disappointed. It was hard to let go of that controller to head home that day, but I spent many hours enjoying that first Sonic game with my cousins. Over the years, I enjoyed the many sequels that followed, as well. My absolute favorite Sonic game is Sonic Spinball, a combination of Sonic and one of my favorite types of video games, pinball! I am glad that my generation has had so much fun playing Sonic over the years (I still do), and it makes me happy to see the next generation of gamers enjoying both retro Sonic gaming and the newer iterations of our favorite blue hedgehog, in cartoons, toys, and video games alike.


From sonic the hedgehog to sonic boom, Sonic has become an iconic figure to the gaming community for 25 years. I can remember when I first set eyes on his super fast speed in gorgeous 16-bit colorful graphics. I never thought anything would ever top the graphics of the original nes or the characteristics of 8-bit hero's such as Mario or Mega man. Sonic delivered one thing though that has always been branded into my mind as the face of himself and the Sega Genesis, ATTITUDE!

Sonic was the key to opening the gate to the Sega Genesis in my personal opinion. If it weren't for Sonic being Sega's iconic mascot I honest don't picture Sega going as far as it did in its successful life against the snes. On the nes we had Mario, a plumber from Brooklyn that never gave us much personally other than jumping on enemies, saving princesses, and eating spaghetti was pretty much his specialty. Don't get me wrong Mario is a grand daddy mascot for Nintendo but when Sonic came into the picture he was a true equal rival to the plumber but with more personality. I was sold on sonic more than Mario the first time I seen his animation of I guess you would call it "I'm waiting!" sprite movement. "Pick up the controller and let's get going" is what would go through my mind seeing that animation.

I could go on and on about Sonic all night but I'm gonna keep it short. Like I said before from sonic 1 to sonic boom, sonic has been in our hearts for many generations. Yes he has had his ups and downs in his gaming career but us as fans still pick up the controller and play what that speedy blue hedgehog is staring in next. We owe it to sonic and Sega for the glorious memories they have given us over the past 25 years, and to that I say happy birthday Sonic and hope you have a good 25 more!!!

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